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Lectures The Mangled (Poetry) Environmental Welfare
Books Poetry |
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Please check back for future postings. If you know of upcoming lectures you want listed, please contact the DSCO co-chairs: Simone Morgen: smorgen@juno.com or Reg Dyck: rdyck@capital.edu or the DSCO web at: rwilhelm2@msn.com
Soothing Waters of Ohio - by Jack Byrom I moved to you feeling jumpy, dusty, and nerves shot. ![]() Jack Byrom is a Central Ohio Green Party member and community activist. He is attending Capitol University. He lives with his wife in Clintonville. More of his poetry can be accessed here: http://home.ix.netcom.com/~rhonjack/poetry-JB.htm |
The Poetry of
Michael Eckhardt |
Michael Eckhardt's poetry has been on display recently at the 853 gallery and currently at the coffee table. Michael is a longtime community activist for the causes of peace and justice. |
dance contest
in the growing absence of ceremony and ritual…. driven by icons and
marketing toward a state of apathy
we are faced with way too many choices many finding they are
unable to choose at all as the storm clouds
gather an inhumane political
agenda falsely projected by
those who would divide and
isolate us from each other and all of us from the rest of the
world instilling fear…. those who would have and use it all continue encouraging us to sit this one out consistently inviting us…. to remain silent in the growing absence of ceremony and ritual…. let’s dance.
up cruise
missiles fly at
the commander in chief’s order the
lieutenants in concert begin
to justify the means. carefully
coordinated press releases feed
the media as the secretary of state informs
us the struggle will be long defense
contractors once again begin
to salivate. targets
hit were
built by us, years ago all
a carefully executed plan continues
the evil charade. if
we ever fail to set up the enemy all
those pension plans vaporized
in a cloud of dust revealing
yet another, set up. shards
of the american dream laying
among the ruins of
once the worlds policeman... this
time, mother
earth may need a rest. michael
You know the tune... |
windsong fields
of plenty amber
waves fragrant
whispers on
distant breeze. soft
sorrowful cries ride
the wind... real
hunger considered an
abstract distraction. acrid
stench permeates as
a portion of
the yield burns with
economic intent. the
wind in
its’ complicity fanning
the flames . . . howls. michael
eckhardt |
ByMatthew C. Behling
Columbus, Ohio
The MangledThere is an American flag whipping |
Good book sources: http://www.commoncouragepress.com/
and: The Apex Press
DSA booksource: http://www.dsausa.org/books/books.html
The Elite Consensus: When Corporations Wield the Constitution
The Apex Press www.cipa-apex.org
From: www.poclad.org
(This is an excellent resource that should be read by every activist and
citizen! Copies are available from the AFSC office in Akron if interested for
$15 plus postage.)
The Elite Consensus: When Corporations Wield the Constitution Describes
Shadow Corporate Government… will forever change the way its readers follow
the news
New York, N.Y. August 25, 2003, -- The Elite Consensus: When Corporations Wield
the Constitution, by George Draffan
A new book from the Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy (POCLAD),
goes behind the veil of giant corporations –Enron, Bechtel, Halliburton,
Monsanto, Pfizer, and others making our daily news – to show how the
"system" really works.
Draffan describes how corporations leverage power through think tanks and
business groups to form an undemocratic system of governance over citizens. He
outlines the normal, everyday ways these institutions shape the national
investment and political policies, portraying how a shadow system of corporate
power effectively governs.
The corporate agenda is served equally by conservative, liberal, and libertarian
philosophies, according to Draffan. Corporate power, he writes, descends from
the U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court grants of “personhood” and Bill of
Rights protections to corporations.
Unlike muckraking books about scandals in one industry or another, Draffan
focuses on the mechanisms of power wielded by the entire network of corporate
“Today's corporate leaders received a head start from the men of property who
wrote the Constitution," Richard Grossman and Ward Morehouse, cofounders of
POCLAD [www.poclad.org] wrote in their
foreword that succinctly summarizes
the book’s analysis.
The Elite Consensus names names. It reads like a playbill of actors on the stage
of domestic and foreign policy who “wield the Constitution” to their own
ends. It gives profiles of those players – think tanks, business groups and
nonprofit organizations -- whose “experts” are regularly quoted in the media
promoting corporate agendas with no reference to their corporate backers. A
valuable guide for activists, citizens, journalists, scholars and students, the
book reveals the interconnections between these organizations and their
revolving-door relationships with government. Interestingly, the book includes
the Brookings Institution -- a tax-exempt think tank commonly considered liberal
or centrist --whose board includes corporate CEOs from AT&T, Chase
Manhattan, Kissinger Associates and Bank of America, a former director of the
World Bank Robert McNamara, and directors and trustees of major foundations.
“Corporate-driven think tanks and educators enjoy the prestige of university
appointments where corporate agendas are developed and disseminated,” writes
Draffan, Executive Director of the Public Information Network, Seattle, WA.
“Corporate foundations decide which charities and which environmental groups
get funded. Investment bankers control more money than the World Bank and their
unregulated speculation in national currencies has plunged Latin America and
Asia into financial crises. Governments have become mere salesmen promoting
multinational corporations, which are the ‘muscle and brains’ of the global
The Elite Consensus traces corporate funding of think tanks and organizations
like the Business Roundtable, Chamber of Commerce, Council on Foreign Relations,
Trilateral Commission, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),
International Chamber of Commerce, Heritage Foundation, Brookings Institution,
American Enterprise Institute, United Nations, and other nonprofit corporations.
Draffan describes how a single corporation—General Motors-- affected the
economies of both Mexico and the U.S when it laid off 99,000 U.S. workers
between 1992 and l996. He said General Motors became the largest private
employer in
Mexico by moving its operations south of the border. U.S. union workers were
replaced by lower-paid contract and temporary workers making Manpower, Inc.--a
temporary employment agency--the largest employer in the United States.
The political cartoon on the book’s cover by nationally noted political artist
Matt Wuerker illustrates the book’s theme: the conflict between "We the
People" and corporate power. His caricature of the Capitol building and
Monument shows a billboard hiding the buildings of corporate organizations whose
power rests on the U.S. Constitution, supported by the building blocks of the
1st and 14th amendments.
Constitutional amendments meant for citizens are the “rights” corporations
use for themselves in the courts, as the book details. Wuerker, whose cartoons
can be seen on the POCLAD website, can be contacted at www.mwuerker.com.
Anyone who was affected by the recent power blackout, lost a pension in a
corporation that went belly up, or lost a job in a company whose work was sent
to a country with cheaper labor, will want to read this book. Public indignation
at the Enron and other corporate scandals indicates the public is hungry to know
more about what is going on behind the scenes.
The Elite Consensus: When Corporations Wield the Constitution
About the author: George Draffan is a forest activist, public interest
investigator, and corporate muckraker. He is the author of The Elite Consensus,
A Primer on Corporate Power, and co-author of Railroads & Clearcuts and
Strangely Like War. For the past fifteen years he has provided research services
and training to citizens and public interest groups that are investigating and
challenging corporate power. Some of his work can be found at Endgame, a project
of the Public Information Network (www.endgame.org),
which he directs.
A dozen activists formed POCLAD (www.poclad.org)
in 1994, to research and write about constitutional, legal, corporate, and
people's movement history and since then has held over 200 "Rethinking the
Corporation, Rethinking Democracy"
public meetings. POCLAD continues to develop vital research and analysis for the
years ahead: reading lists, pamphlets on critical issues, a thrice-yearly
publication By What Authority, an anthology on corporations and democracy [
Defying Corporations/Defining Democracy] videos, PowerPoint presentations, and
workshops for activists engaged in struggles with individual corporations.
POCLAD's "Rethinking the Corporation/Rethinking Democracy" retreats
are incubating nation-wide citizen efforts to curb the “corporate usurpation
of citizen rights”. POCLAD's work provides a framework and historical analysis
of the
Constitution and the role it has played in the political struggle between
"We the People" and corporations. The Elite Consensus is the latest
addition to the
POCLAD body of publications. POCLAD principal Karen Coulter, an ecological and
social justice activist since l980 who founded Oregon's Blue Mountains
Biodiversity Project, conceived of The Elite Consensus as a manual for activists
recruited Draffan to write it.
“POCLAD’s thought-provoking work on the questions of corporate power in a
democracy goes beyond redressing a specific wrong to ask what can we do about it
in a large sense.”
-- Molly Ivins
“The first step in solving a problem is learning more about the problem, and
how and why it grew. POCLAD is giving us U.S. history like it’s not usually
taught in schools. Hooray!”
-- Pete Seeger
Note to Editors: Formal publication date is November 24, but advance copies are
now available.
Contact Judi Rizzi (1-800-316-2739) if you would like a copy for review.
The Apex Press, 180 pp. 2003.ISBN 1-891843-14-1 (softcover)
1-800-316-2739; 1-914-271-6500; cipany@igc.org;
The Apex Press
PO Box 337
Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520
Judi Rizzi - 1-800-316-APEX [2739] • 914-271-6500
• cipany@igc.org
Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy (POCLAD) www.poclad.org
PO Box 246, South Yarmouth, MA 02664-0246
Tel: 508.398.1145 * fax: 508 .398.1552
Contact: Mary Zepernick – S. Yarmouth [above]
Mike Ferner – Toldeo: tel. 419-729-3205
• Mferner@toledo.edu
Carolyn Toll Oppenheim-MA: Tel. 413-540-0145
• Carolyn@publicpurposecommunications.com
The Velvet Coup / by Daniel Lazare (review by Verso Books)
According to the media, the 2000 election debacle
was a once-in-a-century fluke. But, in this riveting new polemic, political
analyst Daniel Lazare argues that such events are increasingly likely to become
the rule rather than the exception. After more than two hundred years, America’s
antiquated government is in a state of chronic breakdown. A constitutional
overhaul is urgently needed to update the machinery in line with the needs of
modern democracy. With an amending clause that requires approval by two-thirds
of Congress and three-quarters of the states, such change is extremely difficult
to achieve. As a result, the United States has entered the twenty-first century
with an eighteenth-century government. Not only will breakdowns like the one
that occurred last November grow more frequent, they will grow more serious as
Lazare contends that nothing less than a democratic revolution is needed to
rescue American politics from growing paralysis and decay. A constitution
supposedly drawn up by “we the people” that cannot be amended by the people
is patently absurd. A new arrangement for governments is required, one which
abolishes such pre-democratic vestiges as the electoral college, equal
representation in the Senate for all states regardless of size, and an
all-powerful Supreme Court. Rather than a constitution that chains them to the
past, Lazare argues that the American people need a constitution over which they
can exercise control and which can set them free from the shackles of the past.
"His knowledge of American history is as persuasive as his wit." —
New York Times Book Review
"A brilliant polemic that subjects American political arrangements to the
kind of analysis from which they are usually exempt." — Michael Lind on The
Frozen Republic
Daniel Lazare has written for the Wall Street Journal, the New
York Times, The Village Voice, Harper’s, Dissent, Le Monde diplomatique,
and New Left Review. He is the author of The Frozen Republic and America’s
Undeclared War. He lives in Manhattan.
Clarity Press, Inc. is pleased to announce the publication of CAPITALIST PUNISHMENT: Prison Privatization and Human Rights, edited by Andrew Coyle et al. Bringing together a group of the most accomplished writers and activists on human rights and prison privatization, this book examines the historical, political and economic context of private prisons, and how privatization is connected to the war on drugs, the criminalization of poverty and 'tough on crime' politics. It offers a glimpse into the transnational spread of privatized incarceration, creating important links between neo-liberal policies locally and their effects globally. For more info: http://www.bookmasters.com/clarity/b0020.htm
"A valuable contribution to the debate on this important subject. "
Sir Nigel Rodley, former UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. [ Top of Page]
Lectures Books Poetry